Saturday, September 18, 2010

Avocado -- come in from the cold.

I was shocked that it quickly adjusted to the terrific heat and blazing sun that we had all Summer.  I watered it every day, letting the water soak through and out the bottom of a huge planter I have on my back step.
in July
We've had some really chilly nights recently and I kept wondering how I would bring that plant in.  I didn't have the right container....and the huge, heavy planter outside couldn't be budged.  Besides, it has those holes that allow water to leak out the bottom.
Well, today, while out shopping, I spotted this plastic tub.  I just wanted something temporary in hopes of this plant surviving through the Fall/Winter and returning outdoors next Summer.  (I have my fingers crossed.)
So, with my husband's help, after transplanting it (and it had quite a root ball on it) we brought it in and placed it next to the sliding glass doors.
This way, it will still get the sun daily, and I am hoping for the best.
I will update pics of Ava if she survives and grows.

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