Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Had enough of the color-obsessed media...

I was just listening to the news where they were talking about a certain color person shot by a certain color police officer. I was thinking....we've sort of been fed a steady diet of that from the media in the past couple of years. I propose that we start zeroing in on HEIGHT. It's about time! "Yesterday, a short man was shot by a tall policeman in Boston. Witnesses said that the short man was driving while short, and the police officer pulled him over because of his height. The tall officer denies this and an internal investigation is being done." And......"A group of tall protesters blocked traffic yesterday in downtown Philadelphia, demanding equal rights. Their claims include being denied long enough sleeves while shopping, and not having enough long shoes available in their state. They were wearing shorts in protest of the lack of extra long pants available in most stores. A short group attempted to disrupt the tall marchers, waving signs emblazoned with inciting phrases such as 'Giraffe necks--stay home' and 'Too tall--too bad', along with 'How's the weather up there?' "