Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The "Mystery" Audition.......

So....today was my day to take T-Dogg to a casting company in the Boston area for a My Little Pony commercial.
After I picked her up from pre-school where she had obviously been having a wild old time, running a relay race, I took her home to groom her. The point here is that I am the grown up and she is the child. She is a creative child. She creates situations to teach me patience when I am planning to get on the highway by a certain hour.
In any case, I decided to dress her in primary colors, and added matching bows pulling just a little hair off her face, letting the rest of it cascade down her back. Sweet and natural. But she told me that the doctor told her not to wear pants. I said "We are wearing pants today." She said that she didn't need shoes and socks. I encouraged her to wear them. While I fixed her hair she bounced up and down on her tippy toes until I was reduced to begging her to let me put those two elastics in. She has a way of letting me know who's in charge here.
She slept blissfully in the car and when we arrived at the casting call she had rosy cheeks and looked like an angel. We went in, signed in, and filled out the necessary paperwork.
It was interesting glimpsing what some people do to find their niche. One guy was reminiscent of "Joey" on Friends. All of the same mannerisms. I tried not to snicker. A bunch of guys trying out for a part portraying a security guard passed by me all dressed in blue shirts. A few young girls entered the area, mostly looking like Avril Lavigne.
When Taylor was called for the audition she left me in a heartbeat and ran in to do the My Little Pony thing. But what took place behind those doors will remain a mystery. I heard children laughing and jumping around (getting warmed up, I guess) and later my little star popped out to tell me she was done. I asked what she did with the pony. She said "It was a girl pony and I kissed it on the head and hugged it....then I pushed its back." (She pushed its back???) I asked if the woman took her picture, as I had been instructed to fill out a little sign (mug shot style) for Taylor to hold up, with her name and phone number on it. "Nope" she answered. So, in front of the other dozen waiting children and parents, I told the woman that Taylor still needed her photo taken. She said "Oh I just took it." Taylor's reply to me was "Well....ummmm" She does this little thing with me that I refer to as "withholding of information". It keeps me on my toes and keeps her in charge.
On the way home, I plied her with a few questions about the audition, but she said "Nope, I already told you that, don't you remember?" to most of my questions, then quietly hummed as she looked out the window.
Suddenly, I heard from the backseat:
"Nana?" "Yes", I answered....waiting for some little clue about the audition....
She said "Did you know that bad men like worms? And if you eat them, you could be dead-ed and have to go to the doctor!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hysterical. I am NOT really surprised though! ha
She is an interesting human being.