Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year for my feral kitties

I already had the dog igloo as a shelter for some of my stray cats who visit me, but it needed some fresh hay this season.
We also purchased a small dog tent, which doesn't show up well in these photos; but it's spectacular!
It's an actual midget tent with a mesh floor and a zippered mesh door in it. It also has legs that keep it up off the ground a few inches. The igloo is placed on an old plastic outdoor table top, also off the ground a bit. Luckily we had some small, smooth boards in the garage, and I laid them down across the mesh flooring of the tent, as though I were laying laminate flooring. A perfect fit! I then loaded the tent up with hay as I did with the igloo hut; because hay allows animals to "nest" and retain their body heat.
I bought a new tarp and secured it to block out as much wetness and icy air as possible.

We set up the new shelter area the other day when it was clear and the next day it began snowing. When I cleared a path from my door to the shelter, I found that it was already occupied!
Smart cats.

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