Thursday, September 6, 2012

Midnight Madness

So, I have a chest cold and near the end of the day I decided to turn in for a few hours of sleep.
That, of course, led to me getting up in the middle of the night after hours of sleep. appears that someone parties while I sleep at night.

So far, no one has admitted anything...but I can follow the breadcrumbs! 

 Evidence doesn't lie, as they say!
Ty sits nearby on the old computer chair when I am on Facebook.

1 comment:

Florence said...

I have a cat and a dog that are like that. We have to take the trash out if there is anything they might like in it or we'll find it all over the house when we wake up or I have to hide my yarn because my lovely little Samson will unwind a ball all over the house while we sleep! LOL